Monday, February 19, 2024

Feb 19– Buddhist Writings translated by Henry Clarke Warren



Feb 19– Buddhist Writings translated by Henry Clarke Warren

Summary: We all die someday. Also, Buddha almost tricks himself, but avoids cannabalism.

Comments: We didn't get "Death's Messengers" today, which is a shame. It's a great title, and also a solid read. Bonus points for imagining King Yama from Dragon Ball going "Oh Man!" before every sentence. "You're gonna die someday, you should be a good person while you're here," is a different spin on memento mori, and one I think I can get behind. Also, comically excessive torture, like it was written by an 8 year old, "And then we'll chop him up with axes, and then light him on fire, and then hand him upside down!" 

Honestly, "The Devoted Wife" has a similar moral, but I don't think it's quite as tight or interesting.

"The Hare Birth-Story" is interesting, since it seems most cultures have a "moon rabbit" myth of some kind. I got in trouble for pointing that out after we read a South American one in Spanish class in high school. But now I get to say it on my blog that no one reads, and no one can yell at me.

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