It's almost April again, and I've decided to do the A to Z challenge like I did last year.
I'd like to thank the Blog-cademy |
The official them is Gratitude, which seems like a good thing to focus on for a month, if not super related to this blog. Therefore, I'll be supplementing it with the Great Ideas from Mortimer Adler's Syntopicon to give me daily themes. That'll serve me pretty well until U, when he started slacking off. All the other letters (even weird ones like Q!) got at least two ideas. It's a little hit and miss from there (he gave up on X,Y, and Z, 'cause he's basic), but I think it'll be fun to round out the remaining letters with the alphabet with my ideas for what should've been included at the end of the alphabet. I'll include a bit on why I'm thankful for whatever the day's Great Idea was.
So, if you were here last year, no big changes. I'll be working from a different reading list (probably Gateway to The Greatbooks) and only making up a few of the letters instead of all of them.
If you haven't been here before, this blog started out as a reading journal for "The Harvard Classics 15 Minutes a Day Reading Guide." Long story short: read ten pages or so a night of a bunch of classics, and you'll get the beginning of a classic liberal arts education. I enjoyed it, felt like a learned a lot (it was surprisingly good for my mental health), and managed to keep it up every day for the whole year (and I think every day this year. I got less careful though.)
I also did a series on The Odyssey, started a somewhat sporadically updated Star Wars novels blog, and wrote about knives and knots some. (I briefly considered doing Star Wars or "survival" or something as my theme). But, I miss doing the classics stuff, so I'm going to hop back on that train. See you all in April!
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