Friday, February 23, 2024

Feb 23– Samuel Pepsys by Robert Louis Stevenson (1881)

No Music

Summary: An interesting book review.

Commentary: This is kind of an odd one. As noted, it's mostly a commentary on Samuel Pepsys's diary. It's not bad, just kind of weird that we're reading about the book instead of the book itself. Maybe the original diary was too long? Elliot couldn't get the rights? It was considered common and accepted that people would already be familiar with it? Really, all it did is make me want to read Pepsys's original diary. There's really not a ton of critique in general in T5FSOB, which makes it even weirder. If there were a half dozen critiques on Shakespeare and one on Milton and another on Pascal, then it'd fit. I did enjoy his little anecdote about noting the time and place you read a book. Might start doing that for the physical books I read. It sounds fun. I have a student who likes to see other people's annotations in books, and I can see how it'd be kind of fun to see someone's note and imagine reading it on a beach 20 years ago, after a breakup, on the train going to work, etc. The story of the story...

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