Saturday, February 3, 2024

Feb 3– The Alchemist by Ben Jonson (1610)



Feb 3– The Alchemist by Ben Jonson (1610)

Summary: This is mostly two dudes insulting each other. Eventually they go to do a heist/con together.

Commentary: This is also part of "Elizabethan Drama" with last night's and the page numbers are continuous between the two volumes. Fun!

I think plays are the hardest thing to read here. We can never get a full one (script takes up so much page space) and they're really intended to be viewed, not read. With poems/songs, you can at least read them out loud to yourself. Maybe I should look into finding videos of all the play sections in the readings. 

Tonight's in particular feels like it "should" be better, but mostly just reads as a lot of gross/insult humor.

How many plays, books, etc. titled The Alchemist are there, anyway? Looks like around a dozen if you count variant spellings.

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