Friday, March 8, 2024

May 8– From "Don Quixote" by Cervantes (1605) Translated by Thomas Shelton

 No music

May 8– From Don Quixote by Cervantes (1605) Translated by Thomas Shelton

Summary: A guy tries to get his best friend to seduce his wife.

Commentary: Where are we? Seriously, we pick up like 250 pages later in DQ than the last time, and we're in the middle of a story someone (a priest if my Googling is correct) is telling a story to DQ and a group of travelers. Maybe in context it makes more sense, but isolated like this it just feels weird. This is the first known appearance of a character named Lothario (though he's not particularly lecherous). His friend wants him to seduce his wife. His friend sucks. We don't get far enough to find out if he succeed!

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