Wednesday, April 3, 2024

April 3– From "Life of George Herbert" (1670) by Izaak Walton (C is for Conquer and clergy!)

April 3– From Life of George Herbert (1670) by Izaak Walton

Summary: Herbert gets married, joins the clergy, and writes some poems.

Commentary: The last of three of these Walton biographies in relatively short succession. We'll get a fourth, but not until late in the summer. I won't particularly miss them. 

Our C word comes from this passage:

This was a fair preparation for a marriage; but, alas! her father died before Mr. Herbert's retirement to Dauntsey: yet some friends to both parties procured their meeting; at which time a mutual affection entered into both their hearts, as a conqueror enters into a surprised city; and love having got such possession, governed, and made there such laws and resolutions, as neither party was able to resist; insomuch, that she changed her name into Herbert the third day after this first interview.

Apparently it was quite a whirlwind romance, though Walton has no particular details to share, just that they were such a match and so in love, etc., etc.

 I said this about one of the earlier biographies we read, it's weird reading a bio of an author that mentions a bunch of their works without having read the works themselves.

On the whole, I don't care for Walton's writing. He's the king of long passages with little detail, and they're just boring and not actually particularly informative. He wrote a good fishing book apparently, maybe I'll give that a try.

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