Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May 29– “The Barber’s Fifth Brother” from "The 1001 Nights translated" by AW Lang

Barbershop Quartet

 May 29– “The Barber’s Fifth Brother” from The 1001 Nights translated by AW Lang

Summary: People with glass treasures shouldn't kick them.

Commentary: I have no idea what the point of this one even was. A poor man gets some money in an inheritance, buy glass to resell, breaks the glass, gets money from a woman, tries to get with her, she takes him to her house but leaves, he gets beat up, almost dies, is saved by salt, kills some people, reunites with the girl, she takes him home again, he gets arrested, flees town, gets beat up again, but then the people who beat him up give him food for the rest of his life.

lol wut pear

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