Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Reflections on Week 23 (June 3 to June 9)

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Back on time!

Quick review on this week's readings:

June 3 On The Motion of  the Heart and Blood in Animal by Harvey: 2/5 This one was kind of dry compared to the other science ones we've had.

June 4 Edgemont by Goethe: 3/5 Plays with crossbows!

June 5 The Wealth of Nations by Smith: 4/5 Rent is like the bad version of the invisible hand.

June 6 Two Years Before The Mast by Dana: 3/5 Boats, boats, boats.

June 7 Hamlet by Shakespeare: 3/5 Not the best scene in Hamlet, but Hamlet none the less.

June 8 Journal of John Woolman : 3/5 Stop abusing poor people! 

June 9 Psalms: 2/5 The least bad Bible selection so far.

Average: 2.86/5 Pretty good week.

Overall Thoughts on The Project:

The combination of Smith and Woolman here is interesting. We've talked before how Adam Smith wasn't really the the borderline ancap he's often portrayed as today. While the section on rent in TWON doesn't condemn it, it doesn't make much of a positive case either. Woolman, on the other hand, is flirting with some outright socialism. No way to know if this is wholly intentional, but it's easy to make a rather radical reading of a lot of the selections in T5FSOB.

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