Saturday, June 22, 2024

Reflections on Week 24 (June 10 to June 16)

   Link to readings

Live, from a boat!

Quick review on this week's readings:

June 10 Oedipus by Sophocles: 3/5 Not the best play opening, but I appreciate getting an opening. Good play overall

June 11 Epithalamium by Spencer: 1/5 Not a good poem even if the spelling was standardized!

June 12 The The Bhagavad-Gita by Vyasa: 3/5 Historically relevant, but not the most readable.

June 13 "Aristides by Plutarch: 3/5 I still don't love Plutarch's writing, but this was an interesting story.

June 14 Crito by Plato: 1.5/5 Being the best philosophical dialogue is like winning a least ugly garbage pile contest.

June 15 "Wat Tyler's Rebellion" by Froissart: 4/5 The nerve of commoners for revolting!

June 16 Manfred by Byron: 4/5 Bring back closet drama!

Average: 2.36/5 Pretty average week.

Overall Thoughts on The Project:

After months of complaining about not getting openings, I get two in one week. I've read all of Oedipus several times, and I think I did all of The Bhagavad-Gita in a world mythology elective. I don't feel like either of these are the stand out sections. I don't remember a ton of TBG, but (in this translation at least) this section wasn't terribly moving. For Oedipus maybe Tiresias or the sphinx?

I'll find something to complain about even if you give me what I want.

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