Monday, October 28, 2024

Oct 28– From "Some Thoughts Concerning Education" by John Locke (1693)


Oct 28– From Some Thoughts Concerning Education by John Locke (1693)

Summary: John Locke thinks kids will like learning better if you make it a game.

Commentary: Specifically, a dice game. With gambling. You can put the letters on a die and bet on who will roll Q first. Or playing some sort of primitive Boggle. Also reading Aesop's Fables. So, you know, some wholesome and some not.

Sarcasm aside, most of this is still educationally sound today. It's kind of depressing how little educational theory has advanced in 400 years or so. Mostly it just cycles between stupid stuff before coming back to what everyone has already known was best. Before resetting to something asinine and pointless again. And yet there are still a thousand books and a million speakers booked who claim they're going to revolutionize it every year.

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