This song should take about the same amount of time to read as the selection.
Nov 12– From Paradise Lost by John Milton (1667)
Summary: The fruit makes Adam and Eve bone and then feel guilty about being naked. Also, Milton loves ribs.
Commentary: This is the section of Paradise Lost that deals with Eve eating the fruit (I included the end of the snake convincing her), sharing it with Adam, the two of them screwing, and then being embarrassed about being naked.
I've always found the tree/fruit's existence one of the most bizarre parts of the entire Bible. God (all knowing, powerful, good, etc.) appears to make humanity without the knowledge of good and evil (maybe they only know good?) which makes them either completely amoral or "perfect" automatons. Kind of boring either way. But, he chooses, for whatever reason, to make a tree/fruit that will ruin everything, knowing they'll eat it, and doesn't prevent them from doing so. All of humanity is literally set up for failure, because God chooses to create the tree/fruit, decides it will doom us, and then doesn't do anything to prevent them from eating it. It's fabulously shitty. If you put a toddler in a room with poison, and then told them not to eat it but they did, everyone would say you were a shitty parent. But it's the entire basis of Christianity.
Forth reaching to the fruit, she plucked, she eat!
Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat,
Sighing through all her works, gave signs of woe,
That all was lost.
She first his weak indulgence will accuse.Thus they in mutual accusation spentThe fruitless hours, but neither self-condemning;And of their vain contest appeared no end.
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