Monday, December 16, 2024

Casually Completing Classics #12: The Odyssey Books 15-17

 Book 15

Summary: Telemachus comes home

I took literally no notes in this chapter, which is a first.

Book 16:

Summary: Reunited? The suitors are scumbags.

"[...] and Odysseus' bed/ left empty for some gloomy spider's weaving?" a classical/poetic reference to cobweb vagina 

Book 17:

Summary: Recap! THE GOODEST BOY IN LITERATURE! The suitors are assholes and attack Odysseus (they're doomed). Odysseus plans to meet Penelope.

The first chunk of this book is mostly recap, but we do get to meet Argos, the best dog ever. Odysseus had started to train him before he left, and he's the only one who recognizes him in his disguise. He's waited for him this whole time (20 years, that's like 140 in dog years!) despite being neglected/abused. Odysseus cries a single, manly tear for him. Argos wags his tail once and dies. 

Behold this equally sad modern recreation:

This book also has what I assume is the ancient Greek onomatopoeia for a sneeze, "kchaou!"

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