Sunday, December 8, 2024

Dec 8– “Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow” (1821) by Thomas De Quincey

 "Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow"

Dec 8– “Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow” (1821) by Thomas De Quincey

Summary: There are three sorrows to go with the three fates.

Commentary: My favorite part of this is the implication that sending kids away to boarding school will kill them: 

The rules of Eton require that a boy on the foundation should be there twelve years: he is superannuated at eighteen, consequently he must come at six. Children torn away from mothers and sisters at that age not unfrequently die. I speak of what I know.

Other than that, the part about lifting children to face the stars after birth sounds like Disney may have cribbed it for The Lion King but I would assume many cultures have a similar ritual. 

The Three Ladies are interesting, and De Quincey is a pretty clean writer. He apparently wrote a memoir about drug addiction that was quite popular. I added him to the to read list. Maybe next year.

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