Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Combining Classic Cutlery: The Great American Knife Part 3

 Candidate #2: (Leatherman) Multitools

While multitools in some form have existed as far back as Roman times, when people refer to them today they're usually referring to a pair of pliers with extra tools in the handles. 

From the Fitzwilliam Museum Collection

Yes, a Swiss Army Knife is definitely a multitool, as are all sorts of other configurations of screwdrivers, wrenches, etc., but Leatherman is to multitool like Kleenex is to tissues or Kindle is to Ereaders.

The first Leatherman, the PST (Pocket Survival Tool) was released in 1983. The story goes that Tim Leatherman and his wife were traveling in Europe in 1975. They were on a tight budget, so they were driving a beater car and staying in crappy hotels. Tim had a Swiss Army Knife (precise model never specified), but he often needed other tools (mostly pliers) to fix the car, plumbing, etc. He spent a few years working in his garage, and eventually developed the PST, selling it primarily through Cabela's catalog that first year.

It's like two Swiss Army Knives had a mutant plier baby.

The PST remained the core of Leatherman's lineup for nearly two decades. Today, it lives on in a "classic" styled line as the Bond, supplemented by the Supertool 300 (extra large with extra tools) and Rebar (PST sized, almost as many tools as the Supertool).

Leatherman has also introduced new lines over the years, most significantly the Wave, introduced in 1998. Most previous tools stowed the tools "inside" the handles, forcing you to unfold them to access a knife, screwdriver, etc. The Wave moved the four largest tools (two knives, a saw, and a file) to the outside for easier access. It quickly became Leatherman's best seller and flagship tool over 20 years.

The current Wave+ model

Currently, the Wave is battling with the new Free and Arc series for the top dog in Leatherman's lineup. Substantially more expensive, the Arc treads the line between premium tool and luxury toy, offering (depending on who you ask) little or not improvement for the price.

While Leatherman may be the first name in multitools, I'd be remiss not to mention two other American companies. First, Bear and Son, whose Bear Jaws tool debuted in 1996. A full two years before the Wave, and with all outside opening tools, instead of just half. While only moderately succesful on the market, the technology was innovative enough that the company was bought by Victorinox (the Swiss Army Knife guys) for a few years while they developed their own Swisstool.

Da bear

But Leatherman's greatest rival is fellow Portland company Gerber. Debuting in 1991 their Multi-Plier line eschews the "butterfly" opening of most Leathermans (Leathermen? Man, that joke never gets old) for a sliding plier action.

Today's MP600, the current revision of Gerber's original tool.

The slider allows for the pliers to be opened one handed, but limits the length of the inner tools substantially. Gerber was picked up as platform of choice for the US military, and developed a reputation for rugged, if unrefined tools. They've generally been less expensive than other company's offerings, while still maintaining a good level of quality. Their reputation has diminished somewhat in recent years, as their prices have climbed, along with some missteps in quality. It remains to be seen how far Leatherman will continue into the high end segment, and if Gerber can reclaim their "cheap but solid" niche. 


Age: *** The oldest Leatherman design has crossed the 40 year mark, making it more than old enough for the criteria. It's about the same age as Spyderco's oldest knife, but falls well short of slipjoints and a bit short of the Buck.

'Merica: ***** I'll forgive Tim's European vacation here. Nearly all Leatherman products (and the good Gerbers) are designed and built in the USA.

Popularity: ***** While the venerable Swiss Army Knife marches on, Leatherman style tools are what most people think of when you say "multitool" and they find their way into the pockets and bags of people in all walks of life.

Total: ***** ***** *** 13/15

The slipjoints get edged out by a point! Still a little room at the top of the scale for Buck or Spyderco to win out though. Got a favorite Leatherman? A crazy multitool survival/fix-it story? Or are you still more of an old fashioned Swiss Army Knife person?

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