Tuesday, February 18, 2025

"Observations on Transfusion of Blood" by James Blundell

 Give Blood

Couldn't find any decent OCR copies of this paper.

Summary: Body horror steampunk blood transfusion apparatus. 

Commentary: Dr. Blundell made the first successful human to human blood transfusion in 1818. I enjoyed reading the science essay/lecture sections in 15MAD, so I decided to try and find one relevant to giving blood, since I donated today. It involves something called a GRAVITOR, so already awesome.


Interestingly, Blundell points out that this whole transfusion thing is kind of new/risky, and only recommends doing it for people who are in fatal need. If you're only "sick" because you lost a lot of blood, but not actively dying, he advises against it (mostly for the safety of the donor). 

The process sounds pretty uncomfortable. You slice the receiver's vein open about half an inch, and insert a silver tube. I guess that's not so different from a needle, but he makes it sound worse. You have to wriggle it in and out "with all gentleness" to make sure it fits. Ick. 

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