Sunday, March 2, 2025

Correcting Crummy Citations: Two Half Hitches: Part II: Second Time's The Charm

After much frustration, I realized yesterday that I was tying THH correctly (at least most of the time). My confusion stemmed from forgetting that, like the taut-line, THH will slide (despite some pithy rhymes on Wikipedia to the contrary). I think part of the problem also comes from the fact that, when I learned it as a kid, we learned THH w/ a round turn, which was just different enough to scramble my brain. The general consensus online (I clearly need to make some good knotting friends) seems to be that the taut-line is more cooperative to adjust, but THH is more secure and easier.

A knot that may or may not be two half hitches
I'm 90% sure this is right.

It's pretty simple to tie. Make a loop, pass through the loop, then make another pass outside the loop the same way. If you went up and over, go up and over, in to out, do in to out. It doesn't particularly matter, just make sure you match.

Those weird lines get me every time.
Trying for this one

I'm rating my personal knowledge of this one 3/5. I think I can tie it pretty well, but I'm not 100% comfortable with it, and I don't really understand what its used for.

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