Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Feb 13– Cellini’s Autobiography by Benvenuto Cellini (1563) translated by John Symonds

 No Music Tonight


Feb 13– Cellini’s Autobiography by Benvenuto Cellini (1563) translated by John Symonds

Summary: Cellini almost single handedly defends Rome.

Comments: Slowly recovering from that stomach bug, and trying to get back into doing the blog properly. This is an odd one. Tonight's selection mostly deals with Cellini supposedly stopping a siege of Rome almost single handedly. From skimming the Wikipedia page, his entire autobiography is apparently like this, with details of his torturing and/or murdering people, summoning demons, etc. It's odd, and not really the kind of thing I'd expected when I started this project, but not uninteresting. He's kind of a Mary Sue though.

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