Sunday, March 31, 2024

Mar 31– From "The Life of John Donne" (1670?) by Izaak Walton

 No Music

Mar 31– From The Life of John Donne (1670?) by Izaak Walton

Summary: A guy gets a death portrait drawn and sleeps with it by his bed. 

Commentary: So, this guy is supposed to be the model of a Christian life, but we read a story about how he's so vain about how he sleeps with his own death portrait? ON EASTER!? (As my wife reminded me, Easter is a floating holiday. I figured we'd get one of the Easter gospels today.) Is this satire? We get some post-facto justification that you're supposed to look at it and how much he aged and how you should get to work serving God ASAP, but the entire beginning is about people wanting to be commended, praised, etc., and the end is all about how much people lauded him after his death. Elliot really does a great job of making Christianity sound terrible in these selections.

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