Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13– From Cellini’s Autobiography (1887) translated by John Addington Symonds (L is for Love)

This is the only Italy related anime clip I could think of besides Hetalia

April 13– From Cellini’s Autobiography (1887) translated by John Addington Symonds

Summary: Cellini is like a 14 year old writing a self insert fanfic.

Commentary: I get Cellini's autobiography about once a month, and they get more ridiculous every time. I'm kind of surprised there's anyone left not crippled/killed in Italy based on how many times he wipes the floor with a whole room full of people. My comments on this one are basically just a bunch of anime adjacent memes, since he sounds like a kid writing a story about how badass he'd be.

Our letter excerpt comes fairly early: 

Through intercourse together, such love grew up between us that, day or night, we never stayed apart. 

Obviously it's not that intercourse, but "we had intercourse an fell in love" is a fun quote. 


  1. Cellini was a great artist, but he was also an absolute nutcase and ludicrously narcissistic. Which would have been pretty unpleasant to deal with in real life, but may make for an amusing autobiography, if you can stomach it.

    1. On the whole, I can mostly stomach it (I think there's been one section where I just sort of rolled my eyes and wanted to put it down). To me, it's more interesting to try to figure out which parts are probably true, which ones are total bullshit, and which are just aggressively embellished.


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