Monday, April 8, 2024

April 7– Assorted Poems by William Wordsworth (~1810) (G is for Goof)

"I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud"

April 7– Assorted Poems by William Wordsworth (~1810)


Commentary: Had a little mistake last night, and posted the 8th on the 7th. G is for goofing up!

The hardest part of these collections of a lot of small pieces is finding all of them. Often I wind up adding or dropping one or two, since T5FSOB doesn't pull exactly from an existing collection, and there isn't a super copy and paste friendly version of some of them easily available. I think I got them all right tonight.

I assume I must've read some Wordsworth at some point in college or whatever, but I can't remember any of his poems. 

I enjoyed "To The Daisy" the combination of imagery, whimsy, and appreciation of nature reminds me of sitting out daydreaming in a field in the summer.

A nun demure, of lowly port;

Or sprightly maiden, of Love’s court,

In thy simplicity the sport

Of all temptations;

A queen in crown of rubies drest;

A starveling in a scanty vest;

Are all, as seems to suit thee best,

I like his poem on Cuckoos much better than Milton's.

And I must think, do all I can,

That there was pleasure there.

If this belief from heaven be sent,

If such be Nature’s holy plan,

Have I not reason to lament

What Man has made of Man?

Be better to each other, mankind!

He really liked writing about birds.

A creature not too bright or good

For human nature’s daily food,

This is like, the opposite of putting her on a pedestal, but in a way raises her up higher. 



  1. I kind of goofed up my G post as well. I thought I scheduled it for 12:30 am but instead I scheduled is for 12:30 pm. I was a little startled not to see it when I got up this morning. At least it was an easy fix. I'm not sure if I read any Wordsworth not but I love nature poetry soI should probably check out more of his.

  2. I've been posting all mine as I write them. I'd love to get a couple days ahead, but it hasn't been possible with all the challenges of moving. I'll get there eventually.


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