Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 8th– From "The Libation Bearers" by Aeschylus (~500 BC)

A really wild staging of the play!

April 8th– From The Libation Bearers by Aeschylus (~500 BC)

Summary: Agamemnon's son, Orestes avenges his dad on Apollo's orders, which gets the furies after him. 


This were new sorrow, a blood-bolter’s load

 You could just drop this into a 40K game. No one would even notice.

More commentary on the performance than the play here, this version is crazy!

The masks are, I think, traditional, but you don't see them much anymore, even in productions of ancient Greek/Roman theatre. I like that the chorus sings, always a nice touch. Makes them seem more otherworldly. Interesting that the script in the play has a lot of references to "we're just women" that aren't in the one in T5FSOB. The chorus are all apparently captive/hostage women, but I don't see as many references to it in most translations. Overall, I don't know that the video is a super accurate translation, but they need that rhyme/meter. It's probably worth it, and always better to watch a play than read it. Desperado was definitely not in the original Greek.


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