Monday, April 15, 2024

Reflections on Week 13 (Mar 25 to 31)

  Link to readings

Moving is hard catchup 2/3!

Quick review on this week's readings:

Mar 25 Hamlet by Shakespeare: 4/5 It's Hamlet! Mostly worth it for the innuendo.

Mar 26 Aesop's Fables: 4/5 It's Aesop! Mostly worth it for the origins of modern sayings that you might not be aware of.

Mar 27 "The Truth of Intercourse" by Stevenson: 1/5 It's "The Philosophy of Composition" but worse!

Mar 28 Wealth of Nations by Smith: 4/5 It's the book that's the supposedly the basis of modern economics that no one has actually read!

Mar 29 The Poetic Edda: 2/5 It's a cool story that's hard to read without any context!

Mar 30 I Promessi Sposi by Manzoni: 2/5 It's awkward to take a novel that isn't intended to be a serial and poorly make it one!

Mar 31 The Life of John Donne by Walton: 1/5 It's a poorly written biography of a guy whose work we should probably just read instead!

Weekly Average: 2.57 It started out so well...

Overall Thoughts on The Project:

If I never have to read another one of Walton's Lives, it'll be too soon. I did put his fishing book on my list though. This one is really drug down by awkward selections, the whole second half of the week could've scored higher if Elliot didn't grab seemingly random bits.

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