Monday, April 15, 2024

Reflections on Week 15 (April 8 to 14)

 Link to readings

Moving is hard catchup 3/3!

Quick review on this week's readings:

April 8 The Libation Bearers by Aeschylus: 3/5 Honestly, it's hard to review the play from that selection, but that production was cool.

April 9 New Atlantis by Bacon: 1/5 I was sorely tempted to give this the rare "Burns Zero" (B authors, why are you all terrible?) but I decided it's unfair to give so low a grade to a rough draft. It's not Bacon's fault someone dug this up and published it before it was polished, or that Elliot crammed it in here.

April 10 First Virginia Charter by James I: 2/5 Less interesting than most of the historical documents I've seen in T5FSOB.

April 11 Faust by Goethe: 2/5 "Repeat after me: Faust likes young girls."

April 12 I Promessi Sposi: 2/5 Still probably a good book, but still hard to read a chapter every two weeks and follow.

April 13 Cellini's Autobiography: 3/5 Cellini has made it to the point where he's so ridiculous that he's fun to make fun of. Was riffing a thing in 1910?

April 14 Drake's Great Armada by Biggs: 3/5 You get exactly one selection on logistics, Elliot. Don't make me read another one. 

Weekly Average: 2.57 A recurring theme I've noticed. It's not that the authors are bad, it's that a lot of these selections are questionable. IPS is not a serial. Stop trying to make it one. Bacon's first selection ("Of Judicature") was solid, why are we reading one of his rough drafts instead of his other finished stuff?

Overall Thoughts on The Project:

I'm caught up! Having made it through ~1/3 of the year, I'm starting to want to start doing some bigger chunks. The sampler approach was fun initially, but I'd like to actually finish some of these books. Not sure how much I'll get to this year, but maybe for my next challenge.

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