Saturday, May 25, 2024

May 25– “Heroism” by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1841)

 Have some Wicked, because that's what they're playing at the piano bar where I'm writing this.

May 25– “Heroism” by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1841)

Summary: Emerson summary MadLibs: Emerson completely missed the point of (insert the title of the essay here) and whines.

Commentary: Fuck Emerson. And really, the transcendentalists in general. I don't know who decided that we really needed to read about 1800s hipsters. I think this is probably the worst one I've read. After whining about the lack of any worthwhile writing for awhile, Emerson more or less attempts to define a hero as the opposite. According to him the key to heroism isn't overcoming fear, doubt, etc., and doing things that you aren't sure (or even don't think) you can do, it's just being full of confidence, unapologetic, etc. in the first place. Emerson's would love Captain Hammer. And he likes Burns.

Fuck Emerson.

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