Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 9– "Letters On The Aesthetical Education Of Man" by Frederick Schiller (1794)

 Nothing to do with the reading. Someone just recommended this album to me and I liked it.

May 9– Letters On The Aesthetical Education Of Man by Frederick Schiller (1794)

Summary: What we want/need physically sometimes contradicts how we think/feel morally.

Commentary: I appreciate that Schiller addressed the above, though I don't know if he quite gets to it concretely enough. I think a lot of philosophy exists in this detached semi-idealized (or completely trashed and pointless) world that doesn't work in real life, so kudos for avoiding that, if in a somewhat nebulous way. 

Pull quote for today:

It is unsatisfactory to live out of your own age and to work for other times. It is equally incumbent on us to be good members of our own age as of our own state or country. If it is conceived to be unseemly and even unlawful for a man to segregate himself from the customs and manners of the circle in which he lives, it would be inconsistent not to see that it is equally his duty to grant a proper share of influence to the voice of his own epoch, to its taste and its requirements, in the operations in which he engages.

I think a lot of people would benefit from this advice. We spend so much time idolizing the past. People need to live, work, etc. for their own time, not when you wish you lived (based on probably inaccurate information anyway.) 

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