Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25– Poems by Robert Herrick

 Alan Rickman

June 25– Poems by Robert Herrick

Summary: Mostly fun poems

Commentary: Tonight's selection has the famous, "gather ye rosebuds while ye may." I've always been less of a "life is short, enjoy it" person, and more of a "life is too long to be miserable all the time" kind of person. Maybe that'll change once I'm older, but right now it seems awful to think about being miserable for 40+ years.

I appreciate this chunk from "Delight In Disorder"

     A careless shoe-string, in whose tie

     I see a wild civility;—

     Do more bewitch me, than when art

     Is too precise in every part.

A little wildness in life (and art) is usually a good thing.

"To Anthea..." is likewise good. It's very much a cliché love poem, but I appreciate it for being straightforward and not over written. No weird compound metaphors or whatever, just "I love you, so I'll do anything you ask."

Like Mark Twain and Vincent Price had a kid.

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