Thursday, January 16, 2025

New Years Resolutions (I got home late today, and had to shovel, but I don't want to break my streak)

 This blog was (obviously) my New Year's Resolution for last year. Officially, I'm not "obligated" to keep it going daily, but it's hard to give it up now. This year, my goals are to get my Chess rating up (I said 1500, I should've said 1400!) and to get back into an exercise routine. I initially said stretch every day, but I found that stretching "hard" more than a day or two in a row is rough. I guess I should've figured it'd be the same as any other kind of exercise. Years ago, I was pretty good about doing some light warm ups and stretching each day, then going into something a little harder, so I'm trying to build a new routine based loosely around that.

I really like just going for a nice long walk, but it's been below freezing most evenings this week, and there's ice around. I could maybe deal with the temps (something something stoicism) but twisting my ankle while trying to go for a jog feels unproductive.

Maybe I'll find a way to stick with one post a day between here and my other blog (blogs? thinking about starting yet another). I'd like to do another reflection or two, but I think they'll be more in depth and take longer to write. We'll see.


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